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Angry at Customer Service?

Angry Customer

Thank you Tyler for this post suggestion.

Having worked in call centers before, I know on the other side what it is like when customers call just to "Tell you what".

How many of you call in to speak to a customer service agent at a company and are immediately hostile? Let me tell you something: Hold Hell is real. It's where angry customers go that cannot control themselves.

Customers that act decent when trying to resolve a problem generally have better results than those that do not. Do not think that just because you want to speak to a manager, that you will be able to bully your way into results.

"Well, If I don't get the results I want, they will loose a customer." - Thats fine, but that is on you, not them. Despite what is said, the customer is NOT always right. I have told off my fair share of customers or clients. If they do something stupid, I let them know.

Sure, I have lost customers this way, but generally the result is opposite of what you would expect.

Some basic things to remember:

  • Customer Service people are just that, People.
  • The mistake of a prior CSR should not be taken out on the current CSR
  • Hold Hell is real, obey yourself
  • If you end up speaking with a manager, there are times where how the customer treated the CSR is taken into account for resolution.
  • Be willing to work with the CSR
  • Be courteous

The only time I have "Burst Out" at a CSR is on an inbound call to ME! I understand that Telemarketers need work too, but when someone says no the first dozen times, maybe you should listen...

Big and Hairy - No Joke

Woolly Mammoth

Earlier this week we were informed that we could see the return of the massive Woolly Mammoth within the next 4 years. Through the advancement in cloning, Japanese scientists feel that we now have the technology needed to acquire the genetic DNA within the next couple years and implant it into an elephant egg.

Apparently, being able to extract genetic info from a mouse that has been frozen for 16 years is enough practice to bring back the Mammoth.  Could the Woolly Mammoth end up like this?Has everyone seen the Family Guy Episode where Stewie cloned himself and Brian? Oh, it worked... but they were... how did Stewie put it.. "Special" and eventually just melted to nothing.

My question is, If this does work, how long do we have to wait for an honest to goodness Mammoth Burger, and how much will one cost?

Fed pulls plug on incandescent bulbs

Starting in 2012, we will start seeing a decrease in stores carrying incandescent light bulbs, pushing the use of alternative lighting means.

More correctly, a lightbulb will have to meet certain energy-to-lumen requirements in order to be on the shelves at stores.

What does this mean? Most incandescent lightbulbs will be gone from stores. Of course there will be special cases as listed on Energy Star's Support Site. Most people will probably end up purchasing CFL's because of their low upfront cost.

Some people however will probably either stock up on incandescent light bulbs or purchase the more upfront expensive LED lighting. There are many arguments about CFL light bulbs, from high manufacturing costs, "high" mercury content, headaches and seizures. Current CFL's that have been properly made however, do not cause the headaches that were commonly associated with older florescent lighting.

Some people have complained that there is an even greater downside to this call to action.  one of the common arguments is that people will end up spending more to heat their place during the winter if they eventually will not be able to get incandescent bulbs.

However most people recognize and know that incandescent light bulbs are a very ineffective form of heat and light. Most light bulbs also do not make great heaters because they are usually installed near ceilings, alright too high for people to benefit from significantly.

IKEA, the Swedish based home furnishing store, pulled incandescent bulbs from their shelves back in August 2011.

"Eliminating incandescents is just one simple way for IKEA customers to reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gases," Mike Ward, U.S. IKEA president.-Source-

Short, Tall, Grande, Venti... TRENTA!

The Seattle based company is coming out full time with a new 31oz size for their cold drinks this year after select market studies last year were deemed successful.

Unfortunately for us hot-coffee fanatics, this new size is ONLY for their iced coffees and teas. This larger than life size will be available in all Starbucks locations by May 3rd.

Like cold tea but don't feel like paying the additional $.50 for the 31 oz?  Head to the nearest McDonalds to take advantage of their cold, tasty 32 oz Sweet Tea for ONLY $1.00.

Another side note: Most Mom-And-Pop coffee shops already have the 32oz for cold drinks.  If you really want a "warm" version of this, they CAN heat these drinks up to around 130 to 140 degrees... Only 25 degrees cooler than the HOT drinks.

For those of you in Newberg, OR: Placed I have successfully gotten a 32 oz "warm" drink: Sip City and Speedy Espresso. I also enjoy these more than Starbucks as they generally do not have the "burnt" flavor that Starbucks is associated with.

References: MSNBC

Obiligitory Rant About Taxes

Requested by Timothy Smith on FaceBook.

TAXES!Just to let everyone know up front that I do not like or enjoy making political posts. However, I know that this one would continue to come up in suggestions, so I am getting this one out of the way right now.

Taxes: The bit of money that goes towards our government through various means… Income tax, Property Tax, Gas tax, Gambling Tax, Sales Tax, Death Tax, Stupid Tax… Or was that last one just created by my old math teacher?

Ideally, a small portion of what we all make or produce to help the local/national government better the rest of society and pay the dues for keeping operations going. What do you do then when the debt of the government is so large that the government would have to charge each citizen over $11,000 just to cover the INTERST of our Nation’s debt? This is not new news, just news people don’t like to hear.

Whether you are Dem, Rep or of another Political party, I think we all agree that none of us agree on what to do with taxes. Everyone in office or that wants into office try to say things that the public want to hear, but when it comes time to perform, there are Few that are able to perform what they set out to do. Note: I did not say “None”.

Personally I still believe that some amount of taxes are necessary, I believe (And vote whenever it comes up) in a Sales Tax in Oregon, providing that Income and Property taxes are balanced accordingly. For the people that say that the Rich have a lot of tax breaks: Well, the rich are generally perceived as liking to spend, right? If things other than every day comities had a tax on them, scaling upward on things like entertainment, then we would probably see one of two things: The government *slightly* better off, or people starting to cut back on erroneous spending. This would also help the richer people be motivated to make charitable donations.

I believe in spreading the wealth, but right now the wealth has been spread a bit too thin.