An Introduction

Welcome to the world of Free Thinking and Contributive Debate! Here, you will be able to contribute to the articles and conversations that will take place.  I will cover topics that I feel need to be covered, as well as topics that have been contributed. Regular contributors may be granted Author status at a later point in time and be allowed to post their own articles here.

Have a topic you want covered?  Message me!  Let me know what you want me to cover!

NOTE: Free Membership is required to post comments. I have been getting too many spam comments to continue allowing guest comments (Legit spam comments, I don't delete Human comments... even if I do not like them)

Category: Uncategorized

Ads By YOU!

With the recent events of Google disabling Ad Sense (even if it might only be temporary), I am going to change the side ad from "Ads By Google" to "Ads By You!" more »

Apparently Google Doesn't Like Me

So last night I got home, and I had an email from Google AdSense saying that my account had been disabled. Now begins the process for appeals.  The wonderful thing about this: Google will not be able to tell me why my AdSense account was disabled because… more »

Energy Tip 4 - Wool Socks!

It is amazing what a good pair of Marino Wool socks does for one's core temperature. more »

Saving Energy, Saving Money: Pt 1

The goal of this article is to show, using dollar value, savings (Or lack thereof) of different energy "saving" techniques. Since there are many techniques, I will be covering Thermostat Setting, Thermal Drapes and CFL Bulbs in this post.… more »

Weird Drivers - Five Min Rant

It aggrevates me, but it seems that a majority of the Portland Area drivers just don't seem to know how to drive.  Oregonians are a very confused bunch of drivers at that. … more »