Comment from: Moogles [Visitor] Email
Yay for rants! ^_^
01/13/11 @ 22:27
Comment from: Moogles [Visitor] Email
On a much more on topic comment, I do have to admit I am not enjoying the new site but that's more just cuz of the layout. Other than that it's the same.

People like the past instead of the future because they know what to expect in the past. In the future well, its the future you have no clue what's going on out there. Maybe that's why people hate change. change ventures you into the unknown of the future.
01/13/11 @ 22:38
Comment from: quixjote [Member]
@Moogles: First of all... Grrrrrrr. Using my sometimes greeting as your name... You are a tricky one, you are.

Anyway... For being creatures that do not like change, over the last century in particular we have gone through so much. You would think with as adaptable as we are, that we would learn to adapt to the "concept" of change, not just the things that do change.
01/13/11 @ 22:54
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