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Welcome to the world of Free Thinking and Contributive Debate! Here, you will be able to contribute to the articles and conversations that will take place.  I will cover topics that I feel need to be covered, as well as topics that have been contributed. Regular contributors may be granted Author status at a later point in time and be allowed to post their own articles here.

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Category: Uncategorized

Obiligitory Rant About Taxes

Requested by Timothy Smith Just to let everyone know up front that I do not like or enjoy making political posts. However, I know that this one would continue to come up in suggestions, so I am getting this one out of the way right now. Taxes: The b… more »

MST3K - Just Watch the Movie

Sometimes, movie commentary is enjoyed and welcome. At other times we just want to watch the movie. Please: Learn the difference for when to provide commentary, and when to just to hush and watch along. Generally speaking, things that bother others whe… more »

Friday Five Min Rant

I am tired, it has been a long (Albeit good) day.  So the quick rant of today: Bumper Stickers! Basically I see Bumper Stickers as such: They give people who otherwise would say nothing, a way to try to make a statement, without having to worry about d… more »

Humans Hate Change... And Internet Explorer

Yes, this is in response to a recent change on Facebook that changed the layout of your profiles. For almost two months now, Early entry into the new layout has been voluntary. Apparently today however, the remainder of the FB population was switched ov… more »

5 Min Rant: Do Your Job For Free?

Quote From a FriendYesterday Lee said to me "If you choose to listen to Grace's Quality advice, you see how that fairs for you, because I am the one who signs your paychecks" A little history: Lee is one of the main guys at the facility that this happe… more »